Ramnag Foundation admin February 21, 2023

Ramnag Foundation

A successful business has a successful society surrounding them

Sri N. Jayaram
Ramnag Foundation
Ramnag foundation heralded by Sri.N.Jayaram is a CSR initiative focusing on the education and sanitation of rural kids and elderly health care. Sri.N.Jayaram & Smt.Nagamani Jayaram is completely active in CSR activity as Mr.Yathish and Mr.Naveen are focusing and working actively on MC Corporate. The need to give back to the community and the society that made us who we are paved the way for the formation of the Ramnag foundation.

We have been immensely blessed and we wish to pass it on to those who are in need of basic necessities like food, shelter, education, etc for that is our biggest responsibility. Kids are the future of our country, and any initiative we hail toward their progress will always be rewarded. We feel the need to provide quality and optimum education as the biggest investment for kids because an educated nation is the most powerful weapon and the hope for success and development in most third-world countries. Education can provide the scope for better growth and development.

Along with education, sanitation also gets the core attention for hygiene plays a pivotal role in the upbringing of any individual. Proper sanitation can alleviate many health issues and Ramnag Foundation can help provide the basic infrastructure like building toilets, proper waste management, and a drainage system to make the society or community a happy place to live in.